The Girl in the Mirror – Change
For days, a lingering sensation whispered of an imminent arrival, but I stubbornly disregarded its beckoning. Restlessly pacing within the confines of my chamber, my eyes were irresistibly drawn to the mirror adorning the bedside. From this distance, my reflection remained shrouded, casting an unsettling aura upon me. Fearful of confronting her, I hesitated, until at last, with fortitude in hand, I approached.
As I lifted my gaze to meet her enchanting countenance within the looking glass, a knowing smile graced her lips, acknowledging the weight of my trepidation. “Change is on the horizon,” she uttered, affirming the intuitive inklings deep within.
“Why is it that time, supposedly impartial to all, consigns only me to this seclusion?” I lamented.
Her smile deepened, as if prescient of the words about to flow from my lips. Pausing for a beat, she gently reminded me, “Remember, I also explained that time is constant. It is you who holds the power to move on or linger in stagnation… Exercise your free will…….. Won’t you?”
Without a word, I turned away, bidding farewell to the room and all it held.