In a zone

In a zone


‘In A Zone’ is a collection of work contributed by different authors and poets from all over Pakistan. Authors are free to talk about any issue or subject that readers can relate to, and their words claim to provide peace and solace to many hearts. This anthology comprises of prose and poetry, both, and is an extraordinary collection of ideas and thoughts coming from different, young and intelligent minds, all gathered in a mere book. Series Of Words is proud to announce another addition in it’s anthology collection, and believes that everyone feels and can write, and just needs a little exposure. And so, Series Of Words provides a platform to talented artists to showcase what is hidden inside them and helps them in gaining experience, confidence and a neverending happiness of getting published


ISBN:                 978-969-2269-19-3
No. of pages:  146
Genre:              Anthology
Publish by:     Series of words
Publish date: 2021-2022


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