Why series of words


Books registered from national library of Pakistan


Professional and passionate team


Published 25+ Books and have worked with 750+ Authors

Bilingual Anthology

the writers write /ایک قصہ تعبیر بنتا ہے

Why series of words


Books registered from national library of Pakistan


Professional and passionate team


Published 25+ Books and have worked with 750+ Authors

What is Anthology

In literature, an anthology is a series of works collected into a single book. These works could be short stories, essays, poems, lyrics, or plays, and they are usually selected by an editor or a small literary team.

Series of Words And Anthologies

Series of words was always passionate about creating new and amazing opportunities for young writers. Carrying this passion Series of words launched a series of anthologies, different and better equipped.


Our Anthologies are best opportunity for young writers to start their writing journey and express their skills in a better and best way. A start up every writer dreams for to turn the dream of their writing into reality.

How Series of words is different

“Things do look different when they are treated different”

Our Every Co-author gets:


A registered book with proper ISBN so it holds all the credibility and legality


Certificates to Acknowledge their efforts


A Professional and Passionate team to assist you on every step


Professional working environment where they are appreciated and acknowledged


Our literary team which on every step helps out writers with all the corrections and suggestion


Our designing team equipped with all modern tools aesthetically decorate the books so they are good enough to attract all the readers around


Social Media Exposure through social media marketting

So What you are waiting for?

Join us in our recent Anthology and Start your writing journey