

Prose As my eyes were fixed on your still body, a flood of memories flashed before me; I’m sitting on a chair just beside you and we are having the most random beautiful conversations possible. …. And then you ask me, “Are you happy?” To which I say “How could I not be when you’re […]

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Poetry As these thoughts keep her awake and she’s no longer able to hold back her tears,A light of faith begins to penetrate her brain.The darkness of her thoughts begins to fade away.She reminds herself of her Creator’s mercy.“Allah is there for you, He’ll always be there for you”, she hears a voice from within,

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Silhouette of a mother lifting her child at a sunset beach, capturing warmth and love.

Prose Dear Ammi,You’re the guidance, the source of light preventing me from stumbling into darkness. The way you scold us like a typical mom, act stubborn like a little kid, take care of us like a loving mom, or tease us like a best friend – without all of this, our lives would be incomplete.

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