people, girl, face, lips, mirror, bokeh, mirror, mirror, mirror, mirror, mirror

A mermaid's martyr

Every gesture of love I cherished by you was not love; it was the venom of your body.
I thought you were showering your love on me.
Ah, stupid me, and how clever you were,
you took my sweet water,
and turned me into an ugly mermaid
You made my sweet river into malicious and poisonous water.
with the single drop of your venom.

The angels are gone, and birds do not visit my realm anymore.
The visitor is only you and your people; they belong to you.
Spreading the fungi everywhere and taking the light from my kingdom
You took my bright yellow melons and left dirty stains of your feet.
Ah, stupid me and how clever you were,
You took my honey and left me barehanded.

I have left nothing here except to wait for you; no one dares to enter this palace.
No human being, no cherub, no angels, nor any bird.
God left me to die here in this poisonous lake, full of green fungi and bad odour.
I can’t cherish the moments of beauty and nature that you have forbidden for me.
Ah, stupid me and how clever you were,
You took my realm of paradise and thrown me in your hell.

I, the Goddess of Paradise, left with nothing but your illusion of beauty, that I am beautiful.
I am worthy of your love; I forgot the connection of evil eyes and lovers.
You have made me a dirty and ugly mermaid of hell.
Mermaids are the curse given by Satan on this world, belonging to nowhere.
I thought, I am a beautiful princess, but I was the abandoned species of paradise.
Ah, stupid me and how clever you were…

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