A strong urge to taste love, turned into a lust of flesh

It’s so watery inside; it’s so sweaty outside
There are dewdrops on top, running downward,
There are white pearls inside, flowing like waterfall
It’s so sticky and nasty, but it feels so good,
when your limbs drenched in it.
The sound of splashing begins in a humming way,
It gradually starts with a pop sound,
The noise increased as tapping on the skin,
It apparently feels like rumbling, deep pitter-patter sounds.
Love-making is so erotic, painful, pleasurable, and full of horror at the same time.
The voices of groans increased; all senses are asleep, and only one sense is awake.
A sense of deepened Love
Heart beats like a drum; one organ engulfs another organ as the hinge of the door,
The sweetness of saliva turned into a bitter taste,
The body is in pain, pain of love stretched, then relaxed in between and calm now.
Your soul touched the softness of clouds; everything began to feel again,
All senses are working now, heart rate slows down, eyes are widened, shiny now.
The dryness lost the friction; the body feels rough, tangy, and the ripples inside the pool are gone.
Everything feels ordinary; the body stickiness feels like algae, and the organs, are swollen.
It happened now; accept that, as it’s human nature to be lusty and in love at the same time.

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